- All works were made by PKking himself and in a limited quantity, and the least quantity for production will be 10 orders. We provide a 10% discount for the pre-order premium; meanwhile, we insure that you have the right to cancel your order and get the refund ONLY before the production begins.
- Regulations for applying for the refund: All the pre-order buyers have the right to apply for the refund ONLY before the production begins AND your order had already been completed for LESS than 60 days( in other words, refund of the order completed for more than 60 days will NOT be accepted).
- To apply for the refund, please write to contact@resin-kit.com and state “Apply for the refund” in the title, be sure to clearly write down your order number, name of the product, and your email in the letter. It takes less than 10 workdays to process your refund through Paypal online, and the trading fee will not be charged at all.
- After the orders are under production, an estimated date of your order’s completion(EDOC) will be clearly marked on the product pages. From now on, refund is NOT acceptable.
- For further example: your order is completed in 03/01, we begin to work on production in 04/15, the time period for you to apply for the refund will be 03/01~04/14, after the period, refund is NOT acceptable any more.

View all posts by: jayers
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